
    Finished reading πŸ“š: Where the Deer and the Antelope Play by Nick Offerman

    This book is not very good. It’s too many differing ideas interspersed amongst each other. I was very disappointed and confused reading from chapter to chapter.

    Finished reading πŸ“š: Waking Up: A Guide to Spirituality Without Religion by Sam Harris

    I disliked the majority of this. But, by the end, some of Sam’s points come into focus. This is a challenging book to read, and one I do not recommend unless you have a great interest in the mind and science.

    Finished readingπŸ“š: Golden Son (Red Rising Series Book 2) by Pierce Brown.

    Golden Son is another riveting triumph in the Red Rising series. Just as captivating as the first book - full of twists and turns and engrossing you in this lush world that Pierce Brown has crafted.

    Finished reading πŸ“š: The Obstacle Is the Way: The Timeless Art of Turning Trials into Triumph by Ryan Holiday

    An inspiring and approachable call to action. This book found me at the right time in my life, and hope that it spurs the change I am seeking.

    Finished reading πŸ“š: Sword of Power by Oliver PΓΆtzsch.

    Not as fun as the first book for me. Still interesting and full of surprises and twists. Oliver’s books are all roughly the same formula, but if you like that, then you will have a good time.

    Finished reading: Run by Blake Crouch πŸ“š

    A dystopian-esque thriller about survival and a family on the brink of ruin. Some fun sci-fi elements, and a compelling love story.

    Finished reading: Light Years from Home by Mike Chen πŸ“š

    An interesting story of family drama and problems with a intergalactic alien war side plot. While I love my alien stories, I got more out of this book from the family problems side. Reminded me to reach out to those we love and remember you never really know what they’re going through, even if they’re your family.

    Finished reading πŸ“š: Book of the Night by Oliver PΓΆtzsch.

    A fun, rambunctious adventure with magic and all the cliches of the Three Musketeers.

    Finished reading πŸ“š: Upgrade by Blake Crouch

    I’m a big fan of Blake Crouch’s Dark Matter. It remains one of my favorite books and fastest book I have ever read. It engulfed me entirely and I adored its every word.

    Upgrade is worthy of similar praise. Blake Crouch’s ability to deliver the scientific breakdown of concepts rivals Andy Weir’s. What separates these two author’s is that Blake Crouch’s storytelling is masterful. Upgrade is a wonderful sci-fi thriller that will keep you guessing. It is inherently human in its themes, and totally relevant to the 21st century’s problems. I was hooked from the start and heartbroken by the end for Logan Ramsey.

    Finished reading πŸ“š: His Majesty’s Airship by S.C. Gwynne

    A book that puts me in awe of the folly of man amidst insurmountable odds and scientific facts that were ignored in favor of political gain. Gwynne is a masterful storyteller in this story about aviation, airships, and man’s stupidity.

    Finished reading πŸ“š: Mistborn: The Final Empire by Brandon Sanderson

    This is an epic filled with everything I want in a fiction book - character development, high stakes, twists and turns, and a deeper meaning. It’s giving me Dune vibes, in that I’m not sure the sequels can add more to the story.

    Currently reading (listening to the audiobook) πŸ“š: The Creative Act by Rick Rubin.

    This quote floored me. I’m so humbled and encoruaged by this. This book is warming up to me, and Rubin does a great job narrating.

    Look for what you notice, but no one else sees.

    Finished reading πŸ“š: Pronto by Elmore Leonard.

    This is the first book that the series Justified is based on. Not what I was expecting, but I still enjoyed it. I think I’ll like the subsequent ones in the series more though.

    Finished reading πŸ“š: Red Rising (Red Rising Series Book 1) by Pierce Brown.

    The world Pierce Brown crafts is robust, full of details, and political intrigue. It is a cross between Dune and A Song of Ice and Fire in many ways. Highly recommend.

    Finished reading πŸ“š: How to Change Your Mind: What the New Science of Psychedelics Teaches Us about Consciousness, Dying, Addiction, Depression, and Transcendence by Michael Pollan

    I’ve always been fascinated by this topic. Pollan approaches it in a scientific yet understandable way.

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